Published: 8 Aug 2014
MUA members in Port Kembla were treated to a surprise visit from none other than Australian Council of Trade Unions President Ged Kearney on Wednesday.
Relieving SNSW Secretary Mick Cross, Harry Smith, ACTU President Ged Kearney, Wally Pritchard, John Curran and South Coast Labour Secretary Arthur Rorris. |
Kearney was on hand to lend and ear to MUA concerns when she paid a surprise visit to members at Port Kembla Leagues Club.
She paid the blokes a visit while she was in the area for the ‘Politics in the Pub’ event organised by member for Throsby, Stephen Jones.
Relieving South New South Wales Branch Secretary and seafarer Mick Cross said it was an honour to be able to be able to discuss some of the union’s concerns with one of the most powerful trade unionists in Australia, over a pint in, a casual setting.
“Ged was genuinely interested in what we had to tell her and was supportive of many of our goals; particularly of defeating the recent Abbott Government changes to Marine Crew Visas,” Cross said.
“She also asked us about our personal experiences of working at sea and was curious to find out what a sea-going lifestyle was like.
“It was heartening to hear that the ACTU is not letting this conservative Government get away with its awful and consistent attacks on Australia’s workers and most vulnerable members of society.”